House 10(Carrier/Social Position)

The tenth House is the House of status, honor, community power, prestige, reputation, and professional career. In our society, this includes financial success, but only as it relates to community power and prestige. It’s not about gaining “material stuff” as it is in the 2nd house. The 10th house wants success for the sake of honor and social status.

This house includes social foundations (as opposed to personal home foundations in the 4th), recognition, personal achievements, social responsibilities, sense of duty, authority figures, politicians. This House encompasses the most public areas of one’s life, and the career that you grow into, as opposed to daily work and odd jobs ruled by the 6th House.

As with the 4th House, astrologers are divided over whether the 10th House rules one’s mother or father. Those that say the 4th House rules the mother, say the 10th House rules the father, and vice versa. What is clear is that the 4th House rules the nurturing, home-body parent, while the 10th House rules the public, success-focused parent (the parent who “wears the pants”).

As with the other angular houses, any planets in this house are very important. Planets in the 10th house, the sign on the cusp of the 10th house, and its ruling planet will greatly influence your career and your general reputation in public.

The 10th house rules a person’s work, commerce, trade, business, success, fame, rank or position in outer world. The 10th house is related to all matters affecting one’s name, fame, honor and recognition; it is described as the house of honor, dignity and public esteem. The chief influence of the 10th house is on one’s profession, occupation or business. It is rightfully called the apex of the horoscope, since it denotes a person’s worldly attainments achieved through name and fame, power and prestige, credit and conduct, success and status, rank and renown, respect and reputation, and ambition and authority. One’s public life and popularity, his worldly standing in terms of material success and his connection with people in high position should be judged from an examination of the strength of the 10th house.

This house refers to the tenth sign of zodiac, the Capricorn or the Makar or Makara. The natural significator of the tenth house is the planet Saturn and Mars. The parts of the body ruled by the tenth house are the gallbladder and the knees. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the tenth house deals with government and its affairs and its chief executive. It signifies the head of the State, whether monarch or president or prime minister, also royalty, nobility, the party in office, the national leaders, the upper level of society and those in authority, eminent and distinguished persons and the aristocracy. It governs the nation’s honor, integrity, credit, power and status among the community of nations. This house provides the clue to the political situation prevailing in a country. It governs all the matters signified by the industries, public enterprises and commerce ministry.