Sasa Yoga of Saturn

When Saturn is in its exaltation or own sign and is in kendra to lagna or Moon, native will have many servants and also have good wealth and health. The person shall be powerful and strict and enjoys high position of authority. Mande Sasya-yoga-yuthe, subha-yuthe, drushte, raja-poojyo, bhave naraha. Paropakaaram, nrupa-labdhe-bhagyam, krishnaani dhaanyani krushincha-laabham, jana-adhipathyam, suka-bhojanancha, kalathra, mithra, aatmaja, soukhyamethi (Jatak Marthandam) . If Saturn has Sasa yoga and is conjunct with or seens by (drushti) benefics, the person shall be honoured by the ruler (king) of the land. He is very venevolent and generous and always helps people in need or distress. The person gets riches from Government (king) sources. He gets good financial gains by the tradec of black-colured (raw) grains. He shall be the ruler of people. He always has sumptuous feast to eat; he derives happiness from family and friends .